Color Consulting: How A Professional Can Help You!
The power of color can change our behavior in powerful ways. Color can make us happy, sad, excited, or repel us from something. Recent research shows that the mere presence or abse
What is a Certified Interior Designer?
The interior design profession has become more sophisticated and challenging in the past decade. As housing costs rise and age, more people are electing to remodel instead of build
Window Treatments
Windows, whether we notice it right away or not, make a statement. This is because they are such simple things that can be used or dressed up in very complex ways. For example, a l
Closet Design
Our closets are the heavy lifters in our home, holding all of our belongings and hiding our messes from the rest of our home. And while most of the time closets help to provide an
Lighting Design
Lighting design is a branch of interior design that deals specifically with the placement, size, shape, and distribution of light sources within a space or building to create a par
Romantic Walk-In Closet Design
In many households, closet space is a precious commodity. There never seems to be enough of it, and very few of us ever consider our closet’s design theme. In this case, we have
Exploring A Suburban Bathroom Renewal
Today we will be looking into the design and renewal of a master bathroom. This particular home was being prepared for resale. The Master Bathroom, which dated back to the 1990s, w